Monday, April 16, 2012

MN Studies: The Gathering

Since there can be only one (course), we're now entering the content gathering portion of our course. The course glossary, while it can be started now, will likely evolve over time. What we've found through other curriculum development initiatives where the writers work mostly asynchronously is that typically the bulk of the work takes place in June. For many reasons this is teachers' preferred month for this kind of work. We've tried to reflect that in the schedule and expectations. There may not be many updates until late May, but what is happening now is that we are contacting various sources about content we can use; teachers are gathering their own materials; resources and materials are being gathered from various sources and put into Moodle and Dropbox for the writers to use once we're ready.

The only other thing going on now is that particular users are being assigned to topic areas. We will have one person responsible for each topic and a secondary person tasked with supporting its development.

Estimated Completion: 5%

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